Sunday, August 27, 2006

That Sucked

Wow, I just realized how much last night's post really sucked. I've listened to more interesting Public Service Announcements. Look, here it is. I hate exercise, I hate mornings, and I'm hopelessly out of shape but I'm doing this 5K Asthma walk on September 30th, in the morning with bright sunlight shining down upon my very white skin. I am risking a migraine and a sunburn by appearing during daylight hours all to raise some money for Asthma Research and Education.

I know we have all been giving big all year long and it does get tiring not to mention expensive but, even though I can barely pay my bills, I've given almost every time I was asked. Now I'm asking for the favor to be returned. Is Asthma as serious as some of the other illnesses out there? Well, for a child who can't participate in the same activities as his or her friends, Asthma is devastating and every severe attack could be the last if it's not treated properly. Asthma does kill and every dollar earned gets researchers closer to a cure.

So, I am asking every person who reads this blog and every person who I have met in Vegas to help me out. What ever you can afford is fine. I set my goal low because I don't have time to do a charity tournament so I am dependent on your contributions. It would be great to exceed that goal but I'll take what I can get.

Donating is easy, the web page is all set up and it's all electronic so you don't have to worry about me running off with the money (not that I would but I thought I'd say that anyway). So please help me out and feel free to post this link on your blogs if you feel inclined to do so.

Direct link to my donation page!

Thank you in advance and all contributors will be acknowledged on my blog with the highest contributor getting the right to re-name my blog for a week.

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